Tartumaa haridusasutuste toitlustustöötajate õppereis Soome, Seinäjoki piirkonda

17.09.2024 - 20.09.2024

Grupi suurus: 20 inimest

Väljasõit bussiga Tartust kell 6.50 Lõunakeskuse parklast, PET City poe lähistelt. Tallinki laev väljub kell 10.30 Tallinn, D-terminal (Uus-Sadama 24)

Õppereisi töökeel on inglise keel!

Toitlustus: Reisimise päevadel, 17. september ja 20. september, tasub igaüks ise toitlustuse eest. Programmi päevadel on toitlustuskorrad, hommiku-, lõuna ja õhtusöögid ühiselt korraldatud.

Omaosalus: 100 EUR, arve alusel.

Registreerimine 9. septembrini: lingil.

Lisainfo: Kaidi Randpõld, Tartumaa Omavalitsuste Liit, arendusspetsialist, 5326 8963, kaidi.randpold@tartumaa.ee


17. september 

18:00 Arrival in Seinäjoki, Hotel Sorsanpesä. Address is Törnäväntie 27, 60200 Seinäjoki.

18. september

9.00 Food Days program

  • 9.00-9.15: Welcome to Food Days Sami Kurki (University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute), Leena Perämäki (Into Seinäjoki) and Jaakko Hallila (SeAMK)
  • 9.15-9.20: Introduction – Jaakko Kiiskilä, Mayor of Seinäjoki
  • 9.20-9.40: Every Meal is a Sacrament – Mickey Gjerris, Associate Professor in Bioethics, University of Copenhagen
  • 9.40-10.00: Food with Integrity – Mari Kooskora, Head of the EBS Centre for Business Ethics, Associate Professor
  • 10.00-10.20: Asmus Gamdrup Jensen, Food Historian, Kost Studio
  • 10.20- 10.30: Q&A Session
  • 10.30-10.45 BREAK
  • 10.45-11.25: Panel: What Does the Future of the Food Industry Look Like? Merja Leino (Atria), Nélida Leiva Eriksson (Ironic Biotech), Tuure Parviainen (Volare) and Laura Forsman (Viikki Food Design Factory). Moderator: Terhi Välisalo (Pro Agria, Maa- ja kotitalousnaiset)

12.00 Lunch at Varicko Restaurant

13.15 Visit to Into Seinäjoki

14.30 Visit to City of Seinäjoki (TBC)

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the food procurement system in Finland, including the criteria used, guidelines derived from legislation, etc.;
  • Get acquainted with the catering management in an educational institution to understand how school meals are organized. We would particularly appreciate an example similar to our system – free school lunches, an educational institution with its own kitchen or one that uses catering services (preferably a school);
  • How is absentee notification managed in schools, and what are the requirements and expectations for parents when a child falls ill?
  • The cooperation between local farms, food producers, and educational institutions, and visit a farm as well;
  • How is the reduction of food waste in educational institutions, how are students involved, what activities are carried out, are the menus also worked out.

18.30 Culinary networking dinner

19. september

9.00 Visit to Central kitchen (I believe that max 6-10 people can attend – other program needs to be organized for the rest of the group) TBC

11.00 Visit to local school + school lunch TBC

12.30 Visit to SeAMK

  • How is absentee notification managed in schools, and what are the requirements and expectations for parents when a child falls ill?
  • The cooperation between local farms, food producers, and educational institutions, and visit a farm as well.

14.30 Bus transfer to farm visit

15.00 Farm visit to Vacca Oy (cooperation with Ilmajoki campus teaching barn since 2018. – Sedu is responsible for the teaching of agriculture and animal husbandry. Vacca Oy is responsible for the animals, production and study environment)

16.30 Bus transfer to the hotel

18.30 Dinner 

20. september

Väljasõit hotellist kell 7.30.

Tallinki laev väljub Helsingist kell 13.30, jõuab Tallinnasse kell 15.30.

Tartus tagasi ca kell 18.00.

Õppereisi rahastab LEADER programm ja Interregi Balti mere programmi projekt “Circular FoodShift”.

Korraldaja: Tartumaa Omavalitsuste Liit
Viitenumber: LEADER PROJEKTITOETUS 13-21.2/23/3314
Projekti nimi: Tartumaa toidusündmuste sari ja toiduvõrgustiku arendamine