The second partner meeting took place on May 15-17 in Schwerin, Germany.
During the meeting, partners worked on validating a new Methodology for Assessment of e-bio-business supporters and Competence Profile of Business Support Organizations. These tools will help assess and improve the quality of services provided by business support organizations to bio-business companies to develop and adopt digi-services as well as launching new products.
First day of the meeting started off with introduction to agenda, followed by the head of the hosting company RegioVision GmbH, Thomas Blum, who presented the company’s main activities and gave a brief introduction of the city Schwerin. To develop the Methodology for Assessment of e-bio-supporters, all project partners worked in groups to assess and validate the methodology based on Competence Profile. The Competence Profile describes the required skills and competences that the institutions have to gather in order to cover the required knowledge to support the businesses in their transition to bio-businesses and e-businesses.
Second day of partner meeting started off with a guest speaker Martin French, a green economy consultant in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania region. He gave valuable insights about the challenges ensuring sustainable development in the region. Western Pomerania focuses not only in innovation, but also balancing economic, ecological and social goals towards more sustainable productivity.
Martin also introduced different tools he uses in his work for sustainable business management consulting which are also beneficial regarding eRural Resilience project. Project partners shared their experiences regarding sustainability and Green Tech, what kind of methods or tools they use in their daily work.
The meeting was summarised by the lead-partner coordinator Piret Arusaar, who gave an overview of the first reporting period, incl. the associated challenges. The main outputs of the first project period were regionally created Community Support Groups, transnational knowledge hubs – Bio-knowledge Hub and Digitalization Hub – and the Competence Profile for e-bio-business supporters.During the meeting, next steps were planned and each partners’ responsibilities were also specified.
The next partner meeting of the project consortium will be held in Finland, 21-22. November 2024, where methodology for supporting e-bio-business launching will be validated.